How To Configure Clubhouse So That You'll Actually Use It

Oct 08, 2021


I'm willing to bet that you probably have the Clubhouse app on your phone, and you're debating on whether to delete it or not. You might have gotten an invitation, saw the potential, but then overwhelmed with how it worked, or the amount of notifications you were sent after setting it up. In this video I'm going to show you how to get your head around Clubhouse, and customize it so that it's actually useful and enjoyable.

Join the Triple Threat Clubhouse

Link for our Triple Threat Geek Out on 10/14/21 at 10am PST:

--- Full Raw Transcription Below ---

And it came out at the perfect time during the pandemic. So it got really popular, really fast,. But a lot of people have a lot of confusion about it, including myself. And there's some issues with how it's set up that make it a little bit frustrating and overwhelming. And that's what this video is about. I want to un-frustrate you about how to use this app, because it's going to be extremely powerful going forward to communicate and be part of a conversation about where music is going, new software, gear, techniques, philosophy of producing, all those types of things, songwriting, whatever. If you're a music maker, you want to be using this app and I'm going to show you how you can make it worth your time and make it actually usable and not frustrating.


My name is Zion and I am the founder of the Triple Threat Artists online Producer Course. If you want to check us out, there's a link below. My friend, Josh Doyle, and I run this class together. We have some amazing students who are triple threats. They're singer songwriter, producers, and they're learning how to produce their own music from home. If that interests, you check out the links below. We also have some cool freebies and some tools that could help you in learning how to produce your own music. Okay, let's get into this.


The very first thing you want to do to make this app usable is you want to go into your notifications on your phone. Open your settings. I'm on an iPhone. It's going to be probably very similar on an Android. Go down to notifications, scroll down to CLUBHOUSE. And we're going to turn on all the apps or all the notifications for that.


Now you can customize it how you like to see it with a notification banners, you know, showing previews those types of things. Customize it, how you want, but you do need to have notifications turned on. You're thinking right now, I don't want to do that because I'm going to get hit with a lot of notifications. Yes. When you first start the app, if you set it up wrong, you will get hit with a lot of notifications. So when you first set up the app, you're going to have the screen that says interests. I strongly suggest just choosing two or three interests on here. Don't overwhelm yourself until you get really into the app and really know what you're doing. I chose entrepreneurship, podcasts and music. Those are the three interests of mine.


Next. I want you to go into your profile and actually add context, add text. And then at the bottom, I would strongly suggest putting your Twitter and your Instagram connecting those together. Now when CLUBHOUSE first started, you could not DM each other. And now you can. So you don't really need to know people's other social media before that was the only way you could DM people, but now you can do it in the app, but I strongly suggest having your Instagram and Twitter in there as well. Some information about yourself. Now, you're going to notice in my followers and following, I follow very few people and I have very few, few followers and I'm totally okay with that. I'm not an influencer. I just want to use this. I want to make this useful for me. So that I'm part of a conversation. And I'm hanging out with the people that I actually want to talk to your followers may go up, mine, go, may go up after this video, that's fine.


But what's really more important is who you're following. So if you click following, you're going to see the type of people you're following. These are friends and people in the music business. Cause I want this, I want this app to be mainly about my music interests.


And here's the secret. Here's the number one thing you gotta do in this. You need to go into each person and decide whether, how you want notifications from that person. So this is my buddy, Dennis, you see at the very top, there's a little bell. If I click that, I can choose whether or not I receive notifications from, from him. If he's either always meaning anytime he's on the app and he's speaking, I'll get a notification or sometimes meaning it'll, I don't know how it's curated, but I'm going to say 50 50. Sometimes it lets me know.


Sometimes it doesn't or there's the option of never ever. Now I like Dennis. I like to know what he's going to say. So I choose always, but some of my friends, I love them. They're great people, but I'm not necessarily interested in what they're going to say about the music industry. And you've got to make that determination. So you might have some of them on. Sometimes I think it's a good, I really think you should just start off putting everybody on never, ever. And she's one person that you want to listen to and get ready to hear that from them. So in review there, it's extremely important to go through all your people in your list and determine whether or not you want to hear from them always sometimes or never, ever, and strongly suggest you do never, ever on everybody doesn't mean you don't love those people.


It just means you don't want a notification. Every time they talk on this app, right? You only want to hear from just those people you want to hear from now, this pertains to clubs as well. And also explain what that is. And just a minute, but you can have notifications. You can be notified when a club is in a room. So let's dive into what it is. What is the structure and how can you, how can you get your head around what CLUBHOUSE is? Let me break it down to you extremely simply so that you just want to get your head around how CLUBHOUSE works is.


Think of the main screen as a hallway. This is going to show you a bunch of rooms that you can go into. And so you might have a room here. That's a, you might have a room here. That's B and all these rooms have different speakers. People speaking in it and different people contributing to it. Now you can choose which room you go into and you can leave whenever you want as well. There are clubs. You can join a club doesn't mean that there's a room actually happening, but they usually have rooms every once in a while going on. So if you're following a club, it'll tell you when they have a room going on. If you're following a person or a contact, it'll let you know, Hey, this person is speaking in this room. Do you want to join? If you have a notification. So it's important to understand the difference between rooms, clubs, and, and once you get that, it's actually pretty easy.


So a couple more things to note. When you find a room you want to be inside of and you click it, you'll start hearing the audio immediately.


If you want to leave, you can leave quietly, which is really cool because nobody knows you're coming and going, which is nice. You don't have to be intimidated by coming into the room and interrupting. Remember on zoom calls, it would often go didn't duke and you'd hear somebody coming into the room. Super annoying. I don't know if they've changed it or not. There's another thing down at the bottom that you can raise your hand. That's just very similar to a zoom call. You raise your hand. And if you're called on stage, that means they're asking you to speak and you're going to have to unmute yourself when they do that. It doesn't unmute. You automatically. You have to unmute yourself and you can talk and they in the moderators can have the control to mute you back immediately. If you're saying something or there's a dog barking in the background, they don't want to interrupt things.


It's extremely important to be very sensitive, to making this an enjoyable, enjoyable experience for others. So if you're going to be sharing in CLUBHOUSE, be in a quiet room, being a place where you're not interrupted and B get to the point immediately. Sometimes there's hundreds, thousands of people in one room and you don't want to be problematic or you'll get kicked pretty quick. The other thing is you can create little snippets in a room. If the moderator has turned that on and a snippet is just allows you to create a little part of the, the audio, and then you can share it, which is kind of fun. They are creating it's coming soon. As of now, this is October 6th, 2021. They do not have this in yet, but in a few weeks, they're supposed to allow you to allow the moderators to record the entire room, the entire conversation, and then they can post that.


And that's going to be great. If you want to add that to your podcast, if you're a podcaster, you can use these CLUBHOUSE sessions as an episode of your podcast. I would suggest if you do that, to make sure you're organized and that you have an agenda. And so that you have, and do you have a co-host? And so you're talking together and you're working together to make it happen, but just keep that in mind, you can record, or they're trying to implement this recording thing. The reason they didn't add that in before, as they wanted people to feel an urgency, like you got to get in CLUBHOUSE, otherwise you'll miss it. And I think there's been so much pushback on that. People are like, if we're going to talk about this stuff, I want it to be able to be repurposed. So they are adding that those are the biggest things you can schedule.


Just like you can schedule a zoom call. You can schedule appear in the top little calendar. These are things that say upcoming for me, based on. And those are curated by the app. A lot of them, I actually don't have any interest in, I don't know why it's putting stuff. I used to have a lot of interests. And so I think they're still in the database, but you can go to my events. I just created an event we're going to have next Thursday. And this is our geek-out a geek-out is just our triple threat gig. We just, Josh and I just start talking about new gear things. We're learning in the industry, mainly about music production. If you want to be part of that and hang out with us, you're more than welcome. We will be answering some questions and bringing people on this is not office hours.


This is just a place to hang out and make a fun atmosphere. And we're going to probably do this once a month. So definitely there's a link below. I'll put the copy link for this invitation below and you can grab it. And lastly, just remember that this is a place to have fun and, and learn and also connect. This is a networking tool and that's, which is probably one of the most important things about CLUBHOUSE. This is a powerful way to get to know other people.


All right. I hope this little tutorial has helped make CLUBHOUSE seem something that you can get your head around. Again, start with fixing the notification. It's not a problem, but just customize the notifications that you're only getting notified when people or clubs go into a room and start talking. If there's somebody from that club or a specific person, if you're getting tons of notifications that Chloe Kartassian has gone live, you will inevitably. If you're like me, you'll turn off all your notifications and this app will be useless and you'll end up missing out on a ton of conversations. Again, join us next week. We're going to do our first geek out through CLUBHOUSE next week on Thursday at 10:00 AM. Pacific time. I'm Zion Brock. I look forward to talking to you. Peace guys.




Join the Triple Threat Clubhouse

Link for our Triple Threat Geek Out on 10/14/21 at 10am PST:


This episode was produced and marketed by the Get Known Service

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