What Would You Like To Learn the Most?

Dec 10, 2021

This week I want to invite you to send me an email, or comment below in the YouTube video, with suggestions on what you'd like to learn in the coming weeks/months. Every now and then I like to check in with you guys and make sure I'm scratching the right itches. So let me know, send me an email, fax, or pigeon! I'm all ears.


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What's going on Triple Threats!

So this week is a little different. This week is me asking you: what can I do to help you?

Are there any subjects I can do to help you learn better music production from your home, audio recording, MIDI recording, synthesizers, drum production instruments, VST's, software, or maybe it's organization or motivation, distribution, you know, on the CDBaby and Distrokid, those kinds of things.

I want to find out what questions you guys have so that I can tailor my future videos more in line with the community, our Triple Threat community, you guys.

So if you will do me a favor and reply back to this email or comment in the YouTube video. If you're looking at this, just on YouTube, just comment in the YouTube video. What is something you would like to see more information about? What is something you've searched recently that I could research and do the legwork for you and help find the solutions and solve your problem in that area.

Or if you're on email, if you're getting us through email, please just reply back. I wanna hear from you guys. I wanna find out what I can do to help you. As you know myself, Zion and, hi, and my friend, Josh, who's an awesome producer, we have a little class called the Triple Threat Artist online production course, and it's open for an enrollment. If you guys would like to sign up, it's a subscription based service so that you can quit any time. You're never locked into like a long agreement and we have a sale going on.

So if that interests, you check out the links below. Otherwise, I can't wait to hear from you and I will talk to you next week.

Next week, I'm going to actually be talking about creating work for hire and PDF documents automatically so you, that doesn't take any more time from you and doing it from AirTable, which I'm really excited to show you. And it's something that I've been wanting to bring to you guys for a while. So if that interests, you make sure you tune in next week and check it out.

All right, until next week, I'll talk to you later.



This episode was produced and marketed by the Get Known Service

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