Best Collaboration Tool Ever. 🀝

Dec 05, 2018

When you collaborate on your mix or your production, or even when you song write, there are times when it's imperative to know what your collaborator is doing when making changes in their DAW.

That's where this plugin comes in, it's called ListenTo, and it's super easy. It's just a quick little plug-in you install on your Master bus that sends the mix to a FTP site where it can be listened to in real time by anyone with the link you give.

I can't tell you how much of a time saver this has been for me.

This plugin can be purchased here (I have no affiliation).

Seriously, if you haven't checked out our Producer Course than you should. I teach lots of other down to earth tricks to get your production clicking and banging!

(Oh and the VI Resonator Guitar used in this tutorial can be found here:

Let me know if you have any questions, and happy producing!

Zion πŸ‘¨πŸΌ‍πŸš€

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