Don't Rush for Feedback on Your Music ๐Ÿง˜๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ

Sep 10, 2019

I was recently reading this book from Stephen King called "On Writing". And in the book he talks about the importance of waiting for feedback on anything that you've created.

He talks about the value of getting feedback, all that that entails, who you should ask for feedback from, and things like that.

He said that if you let your creative process be influenced too early on by feedback from others, then you'll never really get a chance to see where your intention could go.

He uses the analogy of "create your first draft with the door closed, and then your second draft with the door open".

And what I think he means is, don't let anybody influence what you're doing when you're very first creating your idea. Give yourself the chance to explore and make some mistakes, back-step, and then take some steps forward.

And, and then when you feel like you've gotten a chance to do what you wanted to do, say what you wanted to say... then, and only then open up your door and let some feedback in.

I believe this is something us musicians, producers, and writers need to strongly consider.

Don't let your creative vision be influenced too early on by what other people say.

xxx - Josh

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