Fun with Metronomes (Part 1)
Oct 15, 2019 This is part 1 of a 4 part video series
Hey everybody - it’s Josh here!
This is gonna be the beginning of a series on playing with a metronome!
Most the time when I talk to somebody about playing with metronomes, I get a response of like “oh I hate playing with metronomes - they're so boring - they’re so restricting” - and I totally understand that because most of the time - we were all instructed to play with a metronome where it's just like the metronome is just clicking on the downbeats or on the quarter notes.
We're just told to just play right along with it something like this (beats) and and we're like ‘what am I supposed to do with it?’ It just seems very vague and just meant to be frustrating. So what we're gonna do is do something a little bit different! We're going to use the metronome to play on the silences between our phrases between the beats that we're playing or the riff that we're playing and in my case - I’m just playing a quarter note beat.
***See video for full tutorial***
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