Virtual Strings - VI Philosophy (yes, It's totally possible!)

Jan 16, 2019

Most people would say that you can't use Virtual Instruments, particularly strings, in place of real instruments.

I disagree.

The reason most people are turned off by this is because the producer playing the VI isn't very good.

First, you have to understand how the instrument is supposed be played. This may take a little training and education at first.

Then you need to have a really great VI that gives you options to adjust articulations of that instrument.

Next, you'll need to take the time to really make a part shine by finessing with the subtleties and articulations that make that instrument sound real.

And lastly, blending it into the mix with the right reverbs and staging is a must.

In the first couple tutorials I show you using some of the songs I have uploaded on my Soundcloud page:

In the last song, I did the strings for a version of Anita Exira's track here:


Zion 🎻

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