Weekly Facebook Group Recap - 4/22 thru 4/28

Apr 29, 2018

Here is a recap of facebook group information for one or more courses you're a part of. Disclaimer. This recap by no means replaces the information in the Facebook Groups. Always refer to them for the most current and accurate information. I do my best to relay what I think is the most important details, but it's very possible for me to overlook something or make a typo in the process. This is just to be used as a quick reference and outline. Enjoy!

The Triple Threat Artist

DEEP discount for this producer course and community expires at the end of April! Use coupon code STUDENTSOFCATHY to enroll for just $39 a month. This will go up to $59 a month for members starting after May 1st.

  • Tobias joined our tribe, woot woot!
  • Allison Shared a new song of here she wrote with Pete, and we all chipped in with some feedback on production ideas.
  • Shelley shared a mix she was looking for feedback on, a discussion ensued about the space in the mix
  • Kate discussed surgically removing a frequencies, aka a dog bark from her track, which launched a great discussion
  • Juli shared a new soft synth she bought and is trying out
  • Tony shared a song that Cathy gave feedback on needing more variation
  • We talked about starting another office hours during the weekend
  • Zion shared a video tutorial on how to use your voice for coming up with solo parts in your production. 
  • Laura asked about finding a mic pre for her new AKG 414.
  • Shelley shared a new mix of her track for feedback
  • Amber and Aaron shared a video tutorial they found about comping vocals using Logic
  • Amber shared an alternative to the Kaotica Eyeball sold on Amazon. 
  • Kate shared a new mix she's working on for the Access course April assignment. 
  • Tobias shared a new track he's working on for some feedback.
  • Office hours were on Apr 26 at 4p
  • More steps were taken by students to listen to lectures and apply their new knowledge in exercises and groove making strategies. 
  • This week's office hours will be held on Thursday at 4p, where we will deconstruct famous production of hit songs, as well as get questions resolved for any production projects students are working on.
  • Reminder that there is only one week left to get into this class at the $39/month price.

Making Money in Music

  • Students share their spotify playlist
  • Bev shared a great article about how to get music in commercials as a "little refresher“ for us
  • Lauren shares a music video release and emphasizes how much more success she has since she follows all the tips she has learned from this group plus Ari´s and Cathys classes! Awesome, Congrats! 
  • Bev asks for a doc including all the producers in the group. Sonnet reminds us of the community group and posts the doc.
  • discussions about apps that create photo slide shows etc e.g. for an Instagram post
  • Students post demo songs for feedback
  • Great news: The MIM Facebook group will stay alive after the course has finished! :-) 
  • Students announce their Album Releases.
  • Discussions about online vocal courses arise
  • Victoria posts the replay of the Office Hours 
  • Questions about Spotify streaming,- do you have to listen to the complete playlist before it counts as a stream? 
  • Victoria posts the most creative Out-of-the-box offers for music supervisors from the Group:  Great job!  

The Access Course

  • Cathy held her monthly class
  • Lots of tunes were shared for feedback and lots of feedback was given
  • Sonnet facilitated Office Hours
  • Victoria shared Monday Music Breakdown
  • Anthony reached out for co-writers
  • Eli reached out to the group for help with Kontakt
  • Debbie shared an article about Spotify buying a cover song licensing firm and an article about artificial intelligence and it’s place in the music industry
  • Sonnet asked what kind of questions we would like to ask music supervisors
  • Sherry shared a video about producers working with singers
  • Mikey shared his current experience building his instrument catalogue
  • Tobias’ album is now available on Spotify
  • Kayte asked if CTM might interview some music houses
  • Debbie shared a video about how to approach music supervisors
  • Cathy invited us to join her on Instagram
  • Tobias asked for advice regarding a good cloud backup service
  • Ian shared an article about the Music Modernization act
  • Sal got some blanket license acceptances
  • Marco was shortlisted for a spot on Lovecraft Country
  • Tamara got one of her songs considered by a music sup even though she did everything wrong 😊
  • Christine asked for advice re: tools to track song agreements
  • Tamara got a blanket license deal
  • Joe updated his website
  • Rick asked for clarification re: what a blanket license is
  • Office Hours are this Thursday, don't forget!


Special thanks to Cora Himmelsbach and Shelley Montreuil for their help in consolidating all information on the MiM and Access Facebook Pages.


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