Weekly Facebook Group Recap - 5/27 thru 6/2

Jun 03, 2018

Here is a recap of facebook group information for one or more courses you're a part of. Disclaimer. This recap by no means replaces the information in the Facebook Groups. Always refer to them for the most current and accurate information. I do my best to relay what I think is the most important details, but it's very possible for me to overlook something or make a typo in the process. This is just to be used as a quick reference and outline. Enjoy!

The Triple Threat Artist

  • Jamilla shared a great video of Producer Oak Felder talking about his work on Demi Lovato's "Sorry Not Sorry."
  • Zion turned 40, and the world rejoiced cause he's way overdue
  • Office hours was on Tuesday, where we discussed organizing your platform, organizing plug-ins, hard drive dedication in space, computer speed, session organization, and more..
  • Zion shared a flash sale on Izotope's Nectar 2
  • Juli shared a new track and we all pitched in our feedback
  • Josh shared a cool trick he stumbled on with using loops and or samples like claps
  • Allen joined the Triple Threat tribe! woot !
  • Emma shared a song for feedback
  • Jeb discussed his success at the 100 Groove assignment
  • Tony shared a tune he's working on, and looking for feedback
  • Aaron shared a video about how a pop hit song is made
  • Scot asked for feedback on making a song sound more current
  • Fox shared a link to a free software and patches
  • Zion shared a new production timeline framework called The Red Zone Production. More to come soon!
  • More steps were taken by students to listen to lectures and apply their new knowledge in exercises and groove making strategies. 
  • This next week's office hours will be held on Tuesday at 10am, where we will deconstruct famous production of hit songs, as well as get questions resolved for any production projects students are working on.
  • A Q&A with Mikey Meiers about his success as a producer in sync music will be made available for all Triple Threat students in June!

Making Money in Music

  • students asked for feedback on their songs
  • Jennifer asked for help: she is looking for a person to tour with her and help with some work like driving, load in gear etc… 
  •  students asked for any recommendation on CD duplication companies. 
  •  students were looking for a co write
  •  steve posted a poetry of a friend who is interested in having their poetry turned into music. Anyone interested?
  •  Zion shared a link a tool called: NECTAR 2 . He wanted to make sure we saw the SALE on this item…. if we had any interest!
  • Victoria posted an exciting link.: there are 10 tickets left for the „2 day Live Access Event“ … if you are interested 
  •  Justin shared an interesting article about show.co … 
  • Robin shared a photo of himself with MIM member Steve … they managed to meet up!
  • Victoria shares CATHY`S MAY CLASS
  • Arie asked for any recommendations on apps to put charts on an i pad. 
  • students asked for feedback on their songs
  • Bev was looking for a producer…
  • students share their releases
  • Alex asked if MiMers are invited to join the 8 day challenge…. and YES!! 
  • Drei asked for any recommendation as she needs a person to do her album art work!
  • Arie asked for help on votes for the rotation list on True North Country for his Band
  • Victoria sent a reminder for the OFFICE HOURS  

The Access Course

  • Lots of tunes were shared for feedback and lots of feedback was given
  • Sonnet facilitated Office Hours
  • Victoria shared Monday Music Breakdown
  • Osie shared a link to his zoom session replays
  • Ian shared an article about the most important Spotify playlist
  • Zion shared his weekly recap
  • Kayte asked if anyone is familiar with www.musicsupervisors.com
  • Marco shared a Netflix win
  • Debbie shared Brian’s live stream
  • Eli asked for some feedback on Sennheiser 650HD headphones
  • Kayte shared a tip re: how to add multiple tags to your files in Disco
  • Lachalan shared an inspirational comic
  • Zion shared a sale on Izotope Nectar
  • Lisa asked if anyone knows anything about the Hollywood Songwriting Contest
  • Osie asked if anyone would be interested in an interactive session on finding and submitting to ad agencies
  • There was a zoom session with indie film composer Hope Thal
  • Sal shared a win
  • Josh shared a looping tip
  • Justin shared an article about Show.co
  • Marty asked if Sonnet or Victoria may be able to share which agencies they know of that are shady
  • Debbie shared an article re: how a director selects the music for his films
  • Dennis asked for some feedback/advice on using Bandzoogle
  • Debbie shared a Songtradr win
  • Josh shared a big TV commercial win
  • Halley asked for feedback on her admin process
  • Cecelia shared some pics from her visit to LA
  • Tobias asked for feedback re: sending multiple pitches to the same sup
  • Cathy  held her monthly class
  • Bev reached out to find a producer for an upbeat song
  • Anthony reached out to network with other classmates who are going to the live event
  • DiElle shared a Songtradr payment win
  • Celestialblue reached out to find a producer for her track
  • Cathy shared her Nordstrom gift card giveaway
  • Prita shared a Christmas song win
  • Kayte asked for feedback on the idea of creating an alter ego to brand her performance of a song outside of her regular genre
  • Cathy ran into Akira at the Sheryl Crow concert
  • Sam shared a video of a band he has worked with over the years
  • Scotty shared an article re: What is One Stop
  • Anna asked if anyone has heard of Rebel America Agency
  • Alec Stern from DDB – June 12/18


Special thanks to Cora Himmelsbach and Shelley Montreuil for their help in consolidating all information on the MiM and Access Facebook Pages.

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