Black Friday

Weekly Facebook Group Recap - 5/6 thru 5/12

May 13, 2018

Here is a recap of facebook group information for one or more courses you're a part of. Disclaimer. This recap by no means replaces the information in the Facebook Groups. Always refer to them for the most current and accurate information. I do my best to relay what I think is the most important details, but it's very possible for me to overlook something or make a typo in the process. This is just to be used as a quick reference and outline. Enjoy!

The Triple Threat Artist

  • We started the week with a challenge to write 3 new grooves this week!
  • Tobias started a discussion about using VI Bass guitars in his production and asked for recommendations.
  • Office hours were on May 8th at 10am, we had an awesome discussion on audio timing and guitars sitting in the mix, elastic timing, warping audio, and side-chain compression
  • Josh Doyle shared a video he was inspired by showing Charlie Puth and how he works. 
  • Jamila shared a video on a song deconstruction that was fascinating
  • Zion shared a new setup for his home studio and talked about acoustic pad treatments.
  • Osie shared a new Reverb VST plugin that's on sale
  • Zion made himself available to listen to new grooves on Friday
  • Andria shared a few new tracks and asked for feedback 
  • More steps were taken by students to listen to lectures and apply their new knowledge in exercises and groove making strategies. 
  • This week's office hours will be held on Tuesday at 10am, where we will deconstruct famous production of hit songs, as well as get questions resolved for any production projects students are working on.

Making Money in Music

  • Discussions and questions about the copyright office
  • Juli got a ticket for the DIY conference in Nashville at the end of August 2018 … if you're interested you can pm her
  • Students post their spotify playlists 
  • Jody asks for help on building up her bandzoogle website
  • Victoria posts Ari's Course Class 5/8/18
  • Discussions about how app/program you use for making your own gig posters
  • Students are posting their releases
  • Juli shares gig fail stories and interesting performing situationns. Students share their experience
  • Staci shares an interesting article about Symphonic Distribution
  • Pete posts an announcement to his show in NYC Bitter End on May the 16th
  • Lizzie posts a reminder to regulary check your works registration!! She discovered there were false publisher shares on hers.
  • Students shared songs for feedback
  • MiM members shared their releases
  • Victoria shared the OFFICE HOURS replay 5/10/18

The Access Course

  • Lots of tunes were shared for feedback and lots of feedback was given
  • Sonnet facilitated Office Hours
  • Victoria shared Monday Music Breakdown
  • Debbie shared an article about top 10 Publishers – Top 10 songs
  • Debbie shared an article about how to approach music supervisors
  • Eli asked for recommendations on a Logic pro X person
  • Zion shared his weekly recap
  • Tobias asked for advice re: how to get music on Spotify
  • Lizzie shared some victories
  • Ashley asked for some resources around the upcoming Access Event
  • Osie asked for some advice re: sup outreach
  • Some Access members were able to meet up with Sonnet, Victoria and Ari at the Ascap expo
  • Victoria asked for people to share their wins
  • Jody asked for contact info for Maggie Phillips
  • Scott reached out to meet up with some LA members
  • Serge shared a win
  • Debbie shared an article re: how to get your music placed
  • Tobias asked for feedback/advice re: Disco
  • Ian shared a link to a Public domain arrangement contest
  • Tobias asked for some advice re: piano tuning in Logic X
  • Osie suggested a group Zoom session re: how to navigate all the various licensing platforms
  • Mikey shared some wins
  • Nancy reached out to make connections with some LA peeps
  • Zion loves Disco. You might too!
  • Rick asked for feedback re:
  • Jody shared that TV Line has been listing many shows that are not being renewed
  • Zion shared an inspirational video
  • Marco shared a win
  • May 16th Adres Recalde – 72 and Sunny


Special thanks to Cora Himmelsbach and Shelley Montreuil for their help in consolidating all information on the MiM and Access Facebook Pages.

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