Weekly Facebook Group Recap - 7/1 thru 7/7
Jul 08, 2018
Here is a recap of facebook group information for one or more courses you're a part of. Disclaimer. This recap by no means replaces the information in the Facebook Groups. Always refer to them for the most current and accurate information. We do our best to relay what we think is the most important details, but it's very possible for us to overlook something or make a typo in the process. This is just to be used as a quick reference and outline. Enjoy!
The Triple Threat Artist
- Ashley started a discussion on a good ergonomic computer mouse and was looking for recommendations, lots of people chimed in.
Zion shared the recap for the week
Office hours were amazing on Tuesday - we had an amazing discussion all about production techniques to get your song to "change/move/progress/evolve" that's often suggested by licensing agents. Also we go really into the nuts and bolts about reverb and how to use it when producing.
- Kate Willens joined our tribe, welcome!!!
- Jeb shared a track for some feedback. :) It's soooo well done.
- Eymard started a discussion about VI Guitars, and praised the Amplesound guitars he's been using. I agree!
- Zion added a new video on the Framework of the Triple Threat Artist course, breaking it into four areas for more clarity.
- The Triple Threat Artists are going to be meeting up on Wed the 25th in LA, for those going to the Access Live Event. We're making plans now about that.
- More steps were taken by students to listen to lectures and apply their new knowledge in exercises and groove making strategies.
- This next week's office hours will be held on Tuesday at 10am, where we will deconstruct famous production of hit songs, as well as get questions resolved for any production projects students are working on.
Making Money in Music
- Aaron got us updated on his crowdfunding research: he ended up with using GoFundMe as his platform of choice!
- Students posted their songs for feedback
- Steve needed help on how to call his new facebook group: students were voting on different names.
- Mike Beardmore as a jingle producer asked if there were any singers or producers out there who were interested in working together!?
- Aaron posted his latest release,β¦ and thanked the team for support.
- Students announced their tours
- Cathy asked if there was anyone interested in joining the access course! You can follow her on Instagram for inspiration, too! @cathy.heller
The Access Course
- Lots of tunes were shared for feedback and lots of feedback was given
- Sonnet facilitated Office Hours
- Victoria shared Monday Music Breakdown
- Zion shared his weekly recap
- Sam opened up a discussion re: how to use SongTradr
- Rick was looking for feedback on the Cloudbounce service
- Bev asked for feedback on copywriting
- Tamara shared her experience/success with SongTradr
- Elle shared an upcoming event she is planning with Scotty
- Bentley asked if we need to register our songs with our PRO before we turn them in
- Rick asked what tool people are using for tagging metadata
- Victoria announced the Trailer songs which are getting signed and those that were close
- Victoria announced the July assignment
- Jeremy shared an interview with Kevin Dixon and Michael Stein
- Ian shared an article about copyright issues
- James asked for info on Songtrust and AdRev
- Lindsey asked if people are using Splice
- Ian asked if CTM could post a list of recent placements that have been gotten by students
- Jan asked what happens when our βyearβ runs out
- Cathy gave away three $75 gift cards to Anthro
- Elle asked how many songs they generally send sups when they get a request
- Debbie shared a sci-fi search
- Mat shared an post about Article 13
- Marco is looking for ghost-writers
- Ian asked for feedback on how much session musicians are charging for their services
- Ebony shared a success story
- Osie shared a proud dad moment
- Kimberly shared her concerns about using reference songs for inspiration
- Robert asked if there will be a course certificate
- Jim asked about streamlining the ad research process
- Kate asked for help getting oriented with the files etc β¦
- Victoria shared a Welcome Session video for new students
- Marco shared a songtradr win
- Jeremy asked if anyone is using Albion One orchestral sample library
- Debbie asked who the guest is for the July Zoom session
- Elle asked if anyone uses splice or sound.com
- Mikey shared a CTM win
- Mikey shared a songtradr win
- Jennifer is looking to hook up with classmates while she is in California for a week
- Justin shared an article about a label dispute re: Childish Gambino royalties
Special thanks to Cora Himmelsbach and Shelley Montreuil for their help in consolidating all information on the MiM and Access Facebook Pages.
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