Weekly Facebook Group Recap - 8/26 thru 9/1
Sep 02, 2018
Here is a recap of facebook group information for one or more courses you're a part of. Disclaimer. This recap by no means replaces the information in the Facebook Groups. Always refer to them for the most current and accurate information. We do our best to relay what we think is the most important details, but it's very possible for us to overlook something or make a typo in the process. This is just to be used as a quick reference and outline. Enjoy!
The Triple Threat Artist
- Ashley shared her progress in learning some tuning software
- Kenneth Cole joined the tribe
- More steps were taken by students to listen to lectures and apply their new knowledge in exercises and groove making strategies.
Recap of the week was posted
- Office Hours were amazing, and consisted of a 1-on-1 with Mr. Jeb Colwell. After a quick catching up, we discussed the projects Jeb is working on and what we can do to help further his progress. We talked a lot about time management and organization, as well as DAW differences and recommendations. Zion also talked at length about theories on production layers, and priority.
- Jeb shared his progress and what he's learning right now and thankful for
- This next week's office hours will be held on Tuesday at 10am, where we will deconstruct famous production of hit songs, as well as get questions resolved for any production projects students are working on.
If you are in the Access Course and have interest in joining the Triple Threat Artist group, please let Zion know, we've got an amazing discount waiting for you.. Now $49/m, with coupon code 49FORLIFE.
The Access Course
- Debbie posted an opinion by Marvin Gaye’s attorney
- Lachlan and others posted songs for opinions and feedback
- Richard posted an article about Successful scoring of Commercials
- Samuel posted a song by Graffiti Ghosts
- Catch the Moon posted a Monday Music Breakdown on Sofi Tukker’s “Awoo”
- Samuel requested opinions re Judy Stakee’s songwriting retreat
- Robin requested info about licensing a cover
- Katie posted about why she’s been absent, and was welcomed back. Requests and accountability partner
- Tamara, Debbie and others posted successes
- Akira requested info about mixing through headphones
- Daniel requested information about access to videos at the end of his year.
- Rob requested info about the Guild of Music Supervisors conference
- Tobias requested feedback on an offer that was made to him
- Ceri requested info from Catch the Moon about licenses needed for assignments
- Debbie posted about video game composing
- Sonnet posted about upcoming event w/Hunter Scott
- Rick posted several questions as Conversation Starters
- Angelique posted an affirmation/reminder that she’s made for herself and others, based on the word FOCUS
- Rick asked about removing sibilance from a lead vocal, and was given some very good answers
- Catch the Moon requested help getting the “Don’t Keep Your Day Job” podcast up to #1 on iTunes. A prize is offered.
- Mark asked about licensing music for regional radio spots
- Zion seeks an electric guitar player
- Faris asked several questions about metadata
- Victoria posted Office Hours replay for your listening enjoyment.
- Debbie posted contact for the agent/library who gets songs placed on Empire.
- Tracy and Sid said goodbye to the Access Group
- Matt asked about where the performance royalties actually come from
- Tony requested info re Track and Fields Agency
- Gen Evieve seeks co-writes in LA in September
- Rick asked about everyone’s “musical self-esteem"
Huge thanks to Jan Seides for her help in summarizing the Access Course. π
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