Weekly Facebook Group Recap - 9/9 thru 9/15
Sep 16, 2018
Here is a recap of facebook group information for one or more courses you're a part of. Disclaimer. This recap by no means replaces the information in the Facebook Groups. Always refer to them for the most current and accurate information. We do our best to relay what we think is the most important details, but it's very possible for us to overlook something or make a typo in the process. This is just to be used as a quick reference and outline. Enjoy!
The Triple Threat Artist
- Brad Elliot joined the Triple Threat tribe! Woohoo!
- The recap of previous week was shared.
- Lina Farah joined the Tribe! Yay!!!
- More steps were taken by students to listen to lectures and apply their new knowledge in exercises and groove making strategies.
- Office Hours were amazing. Tuesday we talked about online beat makers (Splice, Loopmakers, etc). Then Zion demonstrated how he's using Neutron 2 and Ozone 8 to mix and master his music.
- Allison shared a link and asked for some feedback as well as a recommended horn/sax player.
- Jeb shared a question about Ableton Live's features
- Zion asked for who won the Amplesound giveaway that I did at the Live Event social.
- Amber asked about Ozone and Neutron in comparison to Soundtheory.
- Blake shared a rap song he's working on and asked for feedback on it. Great stuff!
- This next week's office hours will be held on Tuesday at 10am, where we will deconstruct famous production of hit songs, as well as get questions resolved for any production projects students are working on.
If you are in the Access Course and have interest in joining the Triple Threat Artist group, please let Zion know, we've got an amazing discount waiting for you.. Now $49/m, with coupon code 49FORLIFE.
The Access Course
Keith posted requesting some encouragement
Keith re-posted Victoria’s video about research. If this has been your stumbling block, you should watch this very helpful explanation
Debbie and others inquired about zoom guests
Josh invited people to his band’s shows in the midwest in October
Victoria posted two new submission opportunities
Marty posted a question to Victoria about submission requests and covers
Victoria posted the Monday Music Breakdown for the Tommy Hilfiger ad
Angelique offered to make a compilation video of all the Monday Music Breakdowns. Go Agelique!
Jan seconded Cathy’s recommendation go Grit by Angela Duckworth
Kayte sought a producer
Mark sought someone to toppling his tune for the submission op
Nick offered encouragement
Joe requested info about Artiphon
Bev reported that agencies have been harder to pinpoint lately
Bev also mentioned that she’s stepped up her pitch email daily quotas
Austin offered encouragement and advice
Josh requested collaborators in his efforts
Pete seeks a female vocalist
Dennis and others posted songs for feedback
CTM posted a competition for a giveaway involving a new 8-day challenge
Ian posted about the EU’s new copyright law
Kayte posted about following music supervisors on social media
Fredrik posted a question about ISRCs
Victoria posted the 9/13 listening session replay
Fredrik wished us farewell
Tamara posted a recommendation for Disco
Debbie posted about some recent success
Mark posted an article about co-writing and split sheets
Matt asked questions about the course and how long a membership lasts. Good information for class members here.
Tamara posted from the Guild of Music Supervisors event
Emily posted from The Music Supers conference also
Samuel posted a tour of his studio
Andrea and others bid us goodbye
Laura and others posted about success. Congratulations!
Huge thanks to Jan Seides for her help in summarizing the Access Course. π
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