What are audio transients? (Triple Threat Quick Tip)

Sep 21, 2018

Outside of audio, it often refers to people who may be shifty, untrustworthy, criminally minded, smelly, jobless, homeless, on the run. This has nothing to do with what we are discussing today.

It's a simple acoustic concept, but most beginning producers don't come across this for quite some time. So let me help save you some time.

Wikipedia defines it like this: "A transient is a short-duration signal that represents a nonharmonic attack phase of a sound source." But for layman's terms, just think of transients as the identifying markers of the sound's timing. This is typically at the beginning. Transients are often used to line up a groove to a beat, or quantize audio. 

In today's video I show you how to control the transients in a guitar and tambourine audio file, using a transient shaper.

Go make some great music, and I'll see you next week!

Zion ๐ŸŽ’




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