Writing and Producing Solo Instrument Parts

Apr 26, 2018

 Sometimes while producing a track I'll need to fill in the instrumentation with a solo'd instrument. Now typically this would be a guitar or horn solo, but sometimes it's a synth lead (monophonic instrument).

Whether it's for a dedicated solo section or just a solo'd instrument embellishing my instrumentation, I sometimes don't have the luxury of hiring an instrumentalist to jump in and do this, because of time restraint, budget or availability. So I resort to having to create the solo'd instrumentation myself, typically using a virtual instrument.

This video is to show you a little trick I discovered that has made it super easy to come up with "parts" for my solo. If you're like me you probably can't just play the part right off the bat, and make the part sound believable as a real instrument.

Using VI's is difficult because you not only have to make it sound like the real instrument but you also have to have an understanding of how that instrument would be played.

For example if you were playing a violin part, you'd need to consider the bow stroke changing directions. If you were playing a horn part, you'd have to consider the horn player needing to take a breath now and then.

But this tutorial I show you how to use your human voice to come up with the part first and record it, as if it is the instrument. Then using that recording as a guide to craft the solo notes and intervals using your VI, so that it sounds more human and natural.

Hope this is helpful!

Zion 🦆



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